The Perpetual Miseducation of The Negro


When my son, who is now 9, was in the 1st grade, his teacher (who was a white woman) told me that he was incapable of keeping up academically with the rest of the class. But, there were two things innately wrong with this picture: first, being an ardent advocate of education myself, and knowing the importance of it, both in and out of the classroom, I have been consistently working with and encouraging my son to always push himself and never to settle for educational mediocrity; and secondly, it was only the first week of school, so I could not help but ponder this simple, but yet troubling question: “how was it possible for a teacher to make such an assessment on the educational ‘ineptitude’ of a child on the third day of school?”

As a loving parent, you are always quite eager and even anxious to know if your child is potentially the next Einstein (since negroes, on a large scale, tend to be unfamiliar with black geniuses) or if they are barely able to cut the mustard; and, if that answer should come from a benevolent white authoritative figure—in most scenarios it does—and, in this case a white teacher, and because blacks have been historically coerced—some would argue forcefully—into accepting “white truth” as self evident, then we are almost always inclined to believe whatever they tell us; even to the detriment and ultimate peril of our most precious resource—our children.

When I went to the school to refute these insidious claims, I implored, in which case I had to practically beg, my sons’ teacher to randomly quiz him from the instructional sheet that she designed. Not only did he answer all of the questions correctly, but I could visibly notice the anguish and uneasiness, to say nothing of the flush redness, on the face of his teacher, and then I had an epiphany: “this is how the ‘school-to-prison-pipeline starts”.
Our children, especially our black boys, once they enter pre-k, are constantly inundated with an inferiority complex, i.e., the incessant recitals of the pledge of allegiance (how can we pledge allegiance to a republic that has never pledged allegiance to us), and the psychological indoctrination or subjugation—depending on who you ask—of public figures such as Lincoln, Washington, and Jefferson who are viewed as the purveyors of justice, freedom, and equality for all; however, these depictions of white “heroes” run contrary to the images that black boys and girls are privy to everyday within the ramparts of the run-down, dilapidated tenements in which they are assigned, and where the only white faces that are visible are the ones either driving past them, arresting them, or attending Sunday sermons once a year to lobby the congregation for political votes.

And so, our children experience a sort of mental neurosis where everything “white” is the standard, and anything “black” is to be viewed with the utmost disdain and skepticism—which is necessary if “miseducation” is to be triumphant.

It is no coincidence, then, that 80% of public schools nationwide and Chicago in particular is comprised of white women; it is no coincidence that new prisons are being constructed based on third grade test scores (our children are being miseducated from the time they enter the classroom, so it is no surprise that they are not prepared for those benchmark tests); it is no coincidence that poor performing students are allowed to pass through the educational system, like cows being led to slaughter, all the way to high school, and even if they should happen to graduate, a large percentage are deemed functional illiterates and are ill equipped to compete on the collegiate level or in the job market with other ethnicities; which could induce in them negative and unscrupulous behavior, which will hopefully (and stake holders are betting on it) solidify their spot in the multi-billion dollar prison industrial complex; it is no coincidence that educational reformers are constantly salivating at the mouth pitching their ideas and strategies of a new educational paradigm, which, at bottom, is only code for making money off of black pain and suffering.

We have to come to the painful realization that we are at war; and this war is for the minds, bodies, and spirits, and ultimate destruction of our children at large and our race in particular; and, it is up to all of us, if we dare consider ourselves the vanguards of this current generation, to defend them with all the strength God can muster in us, even in the face of death. For no people, in the history of mankind, has ever loved another group of people above its own people except to conquer, exploit, and eventually destroy those people. Time, unfortunately, is not on our side, and we’re vastly approaching the tail end of the exploitation phase…


13 Responses to “The Perpetual Miseducation of The Negro”

  1. Darryl Jackson Says:

    80% white women teachers in CPS system? WOW! We must start to build the blocks of critical thinking black young men and women and those building blocks MUST begin in the home! Otherwise we are allowing other people and other perspectives to dictate the ‘standard’ of social, economic,and political life.

  2. Cliff Says:

    One I must say, I truly enjoyed the article. It is so very important for parents to be TOTALLY involved in their children education. This will help prevent their children being label and not being challenged. Many teachers are able to label our children because we are not involved and/or concerned about our children education. Writer, I believe if we as parent stand up like you did then all the miseducation of the Negro will be brought to the light and hopefully stop.

  3. Vicki Says:

    This article broke down the modern day slavery known as institutional slavery within our educational system and what our young sons and daughters are failing to realize is that, If we do not voice our concerns, teach our children they will fall into that trap we know as illiteracy. This is a common truth I see day in and day out as I watch young men and women struggle to make it out of high school and when they do they can’t function on the same level as others on a collegiate level. Why I ask? do we still sit idol and watch our children get beat up with the demands of state tests that is designed around failing our children. This conversation can go and on, but until “we” as a hold make a difference, us as a people will never overcome, but what holds true is that I, myself can make that difference in my children’s life. Very interesting article.

  4. Solomon Says:

    Much truth to this blog, the neglect of Afro-American History and distortion of the facts concerning Negroes in most history books, deprived the black child and his whole race of a heritage, and relegated him to nothingness and nobodyness

  5. questforvision Says:

    Powerful illustration of what happens on a daily basis to our youth of color, particularly black males. Thank you for painting the picture of your advocacy on behalf of your son, your legacy. His genius is evident at such a young age and that is a blessing. Stay encouraged, so many are watching from a far and need only to see that it can be done. P.S. I posted this on the fb page of Yvette Moyo of Real Men Cook ( A advocacy for African American fathers). She sent me a note and said she has reposted it.

  6. pjamesiii Says:

    Nice article! What I liked most about the article was your resolve, the ACTIONS that you took (actions speak louder than words). The behavior shown by the teacher is testament for the need of greater parental involvement and oversight of our childrens’ upbringing as this is just a tip of the iceberg when it comes to the variety and complexity of issues our black youth face today. You have provided an instruction of sorts for how to approach this particular issue.

  7. Quincy Roseborough Says:

    Great article! So much truth!

  8. Beverly Oye Scott Says:

    Blood of my blood let us come together when you lead I will follow and vice versa I suspect. If you are in Chicago and are available please consider attending my event this Thursday. Momma Earth UNPLUGGED 6:30 – 8:30PM CENTER FOR INNER CITY STUDIES
    it is a multi generational self love and respect fest

  9. Daniel Says:

    We must make the teachers accountable for what they tell and teach are children. We just can’t believe everything they tell us because they said so. We can look into a child’s heart and see if there is motivation in spite of the circumstances. That was a great example of how you insisted that your son teacher retest him. You were able to then verify for yourself if there was any validity in the premature assessment of your son’s ability. Every parent should do the same. If we don’t save our children who else will?

  10. LaDonn Hall Says:

    This article really touched me to my core because I too had the experience from grammar school to high school been told the same things. She home schooled us until I was 7 years old and when we did get in the public school system. I knew very little about racism but I remember my mother having me removed from my First Grade white teacher because she call the misbehaving students monkeys and dumb. My peers and I thought it was funny we didn’t know what racism was at the time.

    My mother who was very militant and a product of the Civil Rights Movement did not accept the teachings in the public school system. So she sent me to a private catholic school.

    In public high school our counselor called me a late bloomer and told me to go to a community college and not a 4 year college cause I wouldn’t make it. I was making A’s and B’s in my last year and excelled in Physics.

    You are so right it is so important that we look at what the education system is teaching and saying to our children.

  11. Wendy Says:

    Very true article! Labeling of young black boys is very real and once the labeling begins it follows them to each grade. As a mother raising my young black son, I really appreciate this article. In addition, I had to “check” my sons teacher and let him know that not only do I have my Master’s Degree but I am his primary teacher and he (white young teacher) is just supplemental help to his learning and I do not depend on him to teach my son everything especially with 20 + other students in the classroom. Sometimes they try to label young black single mothers as if we are not educated let alone advance education, but we have to demand respect on all levels. Again, great article bro.

  12. Marcus Chavers Says:

    Great article and I agree 100%…I commend you for not believing the teacher and doing your own assessment of your child…I know many parents who have been told the same thing or that their child is ADHD and then pumped with medicine. Damn shame what people do to others for whatever gain they think they are going to achieve; and a even bigger shame for us blacks for allowing them to do it. It is most definitely a war and we (blacks) are by far losing, but God gets the last laugh and that’s who’s side I’m on so nothing else matters.

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